Tuesday 20 May 2014

Star Wars Episode VII

Star Wars Episode VII

The Daily Media Review

Star Wars junkies watch out, because In recent news we have found out that JJ Abram's will be taking the reigns and given control over the new Star Wars film. As far as we know he has currently only planned to do the one film and that is Episode VII, the film currently doesn't have a title but will star former cast members who will be reprising their roles after so many years we will see Harrison Ford returning as Han Solo, Mark Hammill will be returning as Jedi master Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fisher we all know will be reprising her role as Leia Organa, Peter Mayhem will be returning as Chewbacca Han Solos faithful companion. We will also see Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels returning as the unlikely droid duo C-3PO and R2-D2.

Abram's and his newly formed cast have started filming in Abu Dhabi, Is this possibly the new Tattooine?

As of yet no one knows what is in store for the new revamped Episode VII, but we can tell you that JJ started filming on Friday in Abu Dhabi I for one am very happy about the upcoming film and fans of JJ and his work should be too. As many of you may know JJ Abrams was the man behind the revamp of Star Trek! If you liked those films then I am pretty sure that you're going to love Star Wars.

Star Trek Into Darkness 2013

When browsing through various sites and blogs I have found out that Episode VII will be set 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi. As of yet there is no clue to a title of the film but is that really a bad thing? For me it just builds up the anticipation and makes me that little bit more excited. JJ Abrams as we all know is a man of mystery and can keep things quiet his story-line will more than likely be revealed by the trailer!

Now I am sure most of you will know the cast of the new Star Wars Episode but I am going to give a little more insight into three members of the original cast Han, Leia and Luke:

Mark Hamill
Mark was born September 25, 1951. He is an actor, voice actor, producer, director and writer as most of you may well know Mark is well known for his part in the early Star Wars Saga(Episodes IV - VI) and for voicing Gothams most notorious villain The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series

Mark was born in Oakland, California and was later raised in Virginia. Mark is one of seven children! Wow that's a lot anyway he has two brothers Will and Patrick and four sisters Terry, Jan, Jeanie and Kim.

Marks early career heard him voice the character Corey Anders on a Saturday morning cartoon called "Jeanie" this was created by Hanna-Barbera Productions. This then lead to a lustrous career and when Mark was approached by DC to voice The Joker for a new TV series they were creating called Batman: The Animated Series the series ran from 1992 - 1995.

Mark admitted that he was a sucker for role and was really into comic books and comics as a child. Little did Mark know that once he became The Joker that a gateway to a whole new world of voice acting would become available to him, he went onto to do a few video games called Batman Vengeance, sega CD version of The Adventures of Batman & Robin and in more recent years the Batman Arkham series. 

Carrie Fisher
Carrie was born October 21, 1956. She is an American actress, novelist, screenwriter and performance artist again Carrie is well known for her role in the original Star Wars Trilogy (Episode IV - VI) also she is well known for her best selling novel Postcards from the Edge.

Carrie was born in Beverly Hills, California she is the daughter of singer Eddie Fisher and actress Debbie Reynolds. Her father Eddie was Jewish and her mother is a Nazarene. Her younger brother Todd Fisher is also a producer and actor.

Carries career started in 1970 and is still growing strong today. Carrie was enrolled at London's prestigious Central School of Speech and Drama in 1973 in which she attended for 18 months.  

She made her very first film debut in Columbia comedy Shampoo in 1975. In 1977 many people saw Carrie take to the silver screen again but this time as sci-fi princess Leia Organa along side Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford. During her time as Princess Leia she believed that the Star Wars script was fantastic but she thought that no one else would agree with her.

Harrison Ford
Harrison was born July 13, 1942. He is an American film actor and producer like Mark and Carrie he is most famous for his role in the original Star Wars Trilogy(Episodes IV - VI) but when he had finished Star Wars Harrison was offered the role of Indiana Jones, Ford took the role and made another Trilogy!

 Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. In 2008 Harrison signed another deal to make what is believed to be the last Indiana Jones movie this was called Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

 Harrison was born in Chicago, Illinois, in his younger years he was an active member of the Boy Scouts of America. When he had received his highest rank he then went to work at Napowan Adventure Base, in 1960 Harrison graduated Maine East High School.

In his early career Ford travelled to L.A to apply for a job in the radio voice over industry. unfortunately for him he didn't get the job but he stayed on in California to earn a few bob a week working for Columbia Pictures "New Talent" programme. 

Other Cast Members

Adam Driver

Anthony Daniels

Peter Mayhew

Kenny Baker

Images taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

John Boyega

Domhnall Gleeson

Andy Serkis
 Remember to leave a comment below or follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/Stuart_Patto

Oscar Isaac
Max Von Sydow

Monday 19 May 2014

Batman & Superman 2016

The Daily Media Review

Batman & Superman 2016?
#Batfleck looking good in the new costume
Henry Cavill as Superman in Man of Steel 2013

In recent news we have seen that @ZackSynder has taken to Twitter to finally unveil two new images of what appear to be the #Batfleck Batman suit and the new Batmobile, there has been a lot of hype surrounding the new idea of Superman and Batman film how do you, the fans feel about the film? There has been a lot of hype speculation surrounding who will be taking roles in the film for instance A-list star Jesses Eisenberg has been
linked to play famous Superman villain Lex Luthor!

How do we think that the story could pan out? Will it follow down the road of Frank Millers Batman: The Dark Knight Returns because that's what @ZackSynders new Batsuit is pointing towards. Upon trolling the web I have come across so many horrible words about the actors and their roles! People if you think about it @BenAffleck had to play batman because Christopher Nolan's Batman had lost it's way and run it's course.

Let me break it down Nolan's Batman basically had no knees because they were torn and deteriorated he wasn't in the right frame of mind and to top it all off he faked his own death to be with *SPOILER ALERT* Catwoman!!! dun dun duuuuuuun. There are rumours flying round that certain members of the JLA( Justice League) will be making cameo appearances in the new film is this true or just speculation?  If this is true who would you like to see make an appearance? For me it would most definitely have to be Green Lantern now depending on who will be playing the Emerald Knight!

The three favourite people in my opinion in DC are Hal Jordan A.K.A The Green Lantern, Bruce Wayne A.K.A The Batman and my most favourite person who almost never gets a mention is J'on Jones A.K.A The Martian Manhunter but that's for another Blog! Now let's get back to the task at hand Superman Vs Batman from what many people have told me Superman would generally come out on top in that fight but if we think about it @ZackSynder is an amazing director and must have plenty of plans up his sleeve to involve both heroes in this epic sequel to the Man of Steel! let me know what you think Follow me on Twitter @Stuart_Patto and leave me a Tweet using #TDMR letting me know what you think! Thank You

UPDATE 02/06/14

As you probably all know by now the new Batman v Superman movie now has a title....DRUM ROLL PLEASE....... Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Do you like the name of the movie? if you do please tweet me and tell me what you think using the hash tag #TDMR thank you. https://twitter.com/Stuart_Patto